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Running and Deployment Instructions

This document explains how to run Moqui through the executable war file, or by deploying a war file in an application server.

  1. Running and Deployment Instructions
    1. 1. Quick Start
      1. Required Software: Java JDK 11 and ElasticSearch
      2. Moqui Binary Release Quick Start
      3. From Source Quick Start with ElasticSearch
      4. From Source Quick Start with Docker Compose
      5. Really Quick Start
    2. 2. Runtime Directory and Moqui Configuration XML File
    3. 3. Executable WAR File
      1. Web Server Arguments
      2. Load Data Arguments
    4. 4. Examples and Common Approaches
      1. Easy Way - Default Settings
      2. Common Alternate - Specify a Configuration File on Command Line
      3. Create a Custom WAR File with Settings Inside
    5. 5. Component Management
    6. 6. Build From Source
    7. 7. ElasticSearch Configuration and Install
      1. External ElasticSearch
      2. ElasticSearch Installed in Runtime
    8. 8. Database and Other Configuration
      1. Environment Variables
      2. Moqui Conf XML File
    9. 9. Production Recommendations
      1. Docker and Docker Compose
      2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk and RDS
    10. 10. Project Directory Structure

1. Quick Start

Required Software: Java JDK 11 and ElasticSearch

The only required software for the default configuration of Moqui Framework is the Java SE JDK version 11 or later. ElasticSearch or OpenSearch are also required for certain functionality in the service library (mantle-usl) and applications including POPC ERP, HiveMind, and Marble ERP.

On Linux OpenJDK is generally the best option. For Debian based distributions the apt package is openjdk-11-jdk. For Fedora/CentOS/Redhat distributions the yum package is java-11-openjdk-devel.

On macOS and Windows there are OpenJDK distributions available for download from Azul Systems, including a distribution for the Apple ARM architecture:

The Oracle Java SE downloads are another good option:

Moqui Framework also includes an ElasticSearch client for ElasticSearch 7.0 or later. The recommended version to use is the OSS (Apache 2.0 licensed) build with no JDK included. If this is available on localhost port 9200 the default configuration in Moqui will find it, otherwise see configuration environment variables and such below for more options.

NOTE: Before the java11 branch in the moqui-framework repository was merged on 25 April 2022 Moqui required Java 8 or later. For more information see pull request 527.

Moqui Binary Release Quick Start

  1. Download a binary distribution like the .war file in the latest release
  2. Load the seed and demo data (will create H2 database and tables automatically):
    • $ java -jar moqui.war load
  3. Run the framework (with embedded Servlet Container, Transaction Manager, Database):
    • $ java -jar moqui.war
  4. In your browser (on the same machine) go to:
  5. With the demo data loaded you can login with username "john.doe" and password "moqui"

From Source Quick Start with ElasticSearch

Use the following steps to do a local install from source and run with the default embedded database (H2) and ElasticSearch installed in the runtime/elasticsearch directory.

  1. Clone the moqui-framework repository
  2. Get desired components, for example PopCommerce and/or HiveMind
    • $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=PopCommerce
    • $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=HiveMind
    1. Alternatively just get the default runtime directory (if you don't want any components)
      • $ ./gradlew getRuntime
  3. Download ElasticSearch (Linux/Mac/Windows, OSS no-JDK version)
    • $ ./gradlew downloadElasticSearch
  4. Build then load seed and demo data (the load task depends on the build task)
    • $ ./gradlew load
  5. Start Moqui with run ElasticSearch (add 'no-run-es' to not run ElasticSearch)
    • $ java -jar moqui.war
  6. In your browser go to http://localhost:8080

From Source Quick Start with Docker Compose

Use the following steps to do a local install from source and run with a database and ElasticSearch in Docker containers separate from Moqui. This works best on Linux but can be used with some variations on MacOS and Windows.

  1. Install Docker (docker-ce) and Docker Compose (docker-compose), make sure your user is in the 'docker' group, etc
  2. Clone the moqui-framework repository
  3. Get desired components, for example PopCommerce and/or HiveMind
    • $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=PopCommerce
    • $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=HiveMind
    1. Alternatively just get the default runtime directory (if you don't want any components)
      • $ ./gradlew getRuntime
  4. Build Moqui and create the moqui-plus-runtime.war file
    • $ ./gradle addRuntime
  5. Build a local Docker image using the default name moqui (see the Docker section below for using a different group/name, pushing to a Docker repository, etc)
    • $ cd docker/simple
    • $ ./
  6. Got back to the docker directory
    • $ cd ..
  7. Create a Docker Compose YML file, you can start with one of the files in the docker directory
  8. Start the configured containers using the script (replace the filename with your preferred compose file)
    • $ ./ moqui-ng-my-compose.yml
    • When Moqui starts for the first time it will see the database is empty (no records in the table for the Enumeration entity) and will automatically load the configured data sets; with the default MoquiProductionConf.xml file that includes all seed, seed-initial, and install data files
  9. If you use one of these default files with the VIRTUAL_HOST for nginx-proxy set to moqui.local add a line for it in /etc/hosts like:
    • moqui.local
  10. Access Moqui in your browser
    • In your browser go to https://moqui.local or whichever host you configured
    • If you use moqui.local and the included self-signed certificate you'll get a warning about that in your browser and will need to follow the links to go there regardless of the certificate
    • When you access Moqui for the first time and there are no users in the database (no demo, etc data loaded) the Login screen will show a form to create an admin user
  11. Stop the configured containers (make sure to use the same YML file you used to start)
    • $ ./ moqui-ng-my-compose.yml
  12. Clean up mapped directories (IF you want to remove the database, etc to start fresh; note that this requires root access because the database and other folders mapped to the host file system will be owned by root)
    • $ sudo ./

Really Quick Start

  1. Download the MoquiDemo-<version>.war file (or similar HiveMind/PopCommerce war files)
  2. Drop the WAR file into Java Servlet Container (Jetty, Apache Tomcat, AWS ElasticBeanstalk, etc)

2. Runtime Directory and Moqui Configuration XML File

Moqui Framework has two main parts to deploy:

  1. Executable WAR File (see below; from moqui-framework repository)
  2. Runtime Directory with Configuration File (from moqui-runtime repository, or your own)

However you use the executable WAR file, you must have a runtime directory and you may override default settings with a XML configuration file.

All configuration for Moqui Framework lives in the Moqui Conf XML file. The actual configuration XML file used at runtime is built by merging various XML files in this order:

  1. MoquiDefaultConf.xml that ships with the framework as is included in the built WAR file
  2. MoquiConf.xml from each component
  3. specified runtime Moqui Conf XML file such as MoquiDevConf.xml or MoquiProductionConf.xml

The runtime directory is the main place to put components you want to load, the root files (root screen, etc) for the web application, and configuration files. It is also where the framework will put log files, H2 database files (if you are using H2), JCR repo files, etc. You may eventually want to create your own runtime directory and keep it in your own source repository (fork the moqui-runtime repository) but you can use the default one to get started and for most deployments with add-on applications everything in moqui-runtime you will commonly want to override or extend can be done within your add-on components.

Specify these two properties:

moqui.runtime Runtime directory (defaults to "./runtime")
moqui.conf Moqui Conf XML file (URL or path relative to moqui.runtime)

There are two ways to specify these two properties:

  1. file on the classpath
  2. System properties specified on the command line (with java -D arguments)

See below for examples.

3. Executable WAR File

Yep, that's right: an executable WAR file.

If the first argument is load it will load data. If the first argument is help it will show the help text. If there are no arguments or the first argument is anything else it will run the embedded web server (the Jetty Servlet Container). The MoquiStart class can also be run directly if the WAR file has been unzipped into a directory.

Load Data $ java -jar moqui.war load
Run Embedded Web Server $ java -jar moqui.war
Deploy as WAR, for Tomcat $ cp moqui.war ../tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
Show Help Text $ java -jar moqui.war help
Unzipped WAR Load Data $ java -cp . MoquiStart load
Unzipped WAR Run Web Server $ java -cp . MoquiStart

Web Server Arguments

port=<port> The http listening port. Default is 8080
threads=<max threads> Maximum number of threads. Default is 100
conf=<moqui.conf> The Moqui Conf XML file to use, overrides other ways of specifying it
no-run-es Don't Try starting and stopping ElasticSearch in runtime/elasticsearch

Load Data Arguments

If no types or location argument is used all found data files of all types will be loaded.

types=<type>[,<type>] Data types to load (can be anything, common are: seed, seed-initial, install, demo, ...)
components=<name>[,<name>] Component names to load for data types; if none specified loads from all
location=<location> Location of data file to load
timeout=<seconds> Transaction timeout for each file, defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes)
no-fk-create Don't create foreign-keys, for empty database to avoid referential integrity errors
dummy-fks Use dummy foreign-keys to avoid referential integrity errors
use-try-insert Try insert and update on error instead of checking for record first
disable-eeca Disable Entity ECA rules
disable-audit-log Disable Entity Audit Log
disable-data-feed Disable Entity DataFeed
raw For raw data load to an empty database; short for no-fk-create, use-try-insert, disable-eeca, disable-audit-log, disable-data-feed
conf=<moqui.conf> The Moqui Conf XML file to use, overrides other ways of specifying it
no-run-es Don't try starting and stopping ElasticSearch in runtime/elasticsearch

4. Examples and Common Approaches

Easy Way - Default Settings

The easiest way to run is to have a moqui directory with the moqui.war file and the runtime directory in it. With the binary distribution of Moqui when you unzip the archive this is what you'll have.

To use the default settings:

  • moqui.runtime = runtime
  • moqui.conf = conf/MoquiDevConf.xml (relative to runtime)

Run these commands:

Load Data $ java -jar moqui.war load
Run Server $ java -jar moqui.war

Common Alternate - Specify a Configuration File on Command Line

Load Data $ java -jar moqui.war load conf=conf/MoquiProductionConf.xml
Run Server $ java -jar moqui.war conf=conf/MoquiProductionConf.xml

Create a Custom WAR File with Settings Inside

  1. Add components and other resources as needed to the runtime directory
  2. Change ${moqui.home}/ with desired settings
  3. Change Moqui conf file (runtime/conf/Moqui*Conf.xml) as needed
  4. Create a derived WAR file based on the moqui.war file and with your runtime directory contents and file with: "./gradlew addRuntime" or "ant add-runtime"
  5. Copy the created WAR file (moqui-plus-runtime.war) to deployment target
  6. Run server (or restart to deploy live WAR)

5. Component Management

The best way to manage source repositories for components is to have one repository (on GitHub or elsewhere) per component that contains only the component directory.

Following this pattern the Gradle build scripts in Moqui have tasks to download components and their dependencies from a git repository, or from current or release archives.

Known open source components are already configured in the addons.xml file. To add private and other components or override settings for components in the addons.xml file, create a file called myaddons.xml and put it in the moqui directory.

Here is a summary of the Gradle tasks for component management (using the HiveMind component for example). All of the get tasks get the specified component plus all components it depends on (as specified in its component.xml file).

Get runtime directory $ ./gradlew getRuntime -PlocationType=(git,current,release) Called automatically if runtime directory does not exist. Location type defaults to git if .git directory exists, otherwise to current.
Get component $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=HiveMind -PlocationType=(git,current,release) Location type defaults to git if .git directory exists, otherwise to current
Get from Git repository $ ./gradlew getGit -Pcomponent=HiveMind
Get current archive $ ./gradlew getCurrent -Pcomponent=HiveMind
Get release archive $ ./gradlew getRelease -Pcomponent=HiveMind
Get dependencies for all components $ ./gradlew getDepends -PlocationType=(git,current,release) Location type defaults to git if .git directory exists, otherwise to current

There are also Gradle tasks to help you manage your components from git. Each of these commands does git operations if a .git directory exists for the moqui (root) repository, the runtime repository, and all components.

Git pull all $ ./gradlew gitPullAll
Git status on all $ ./gradlew gitStatusAll
Git pull upstream on all $ ./gradlew gitUpstreamAll
Clean all, pull all, load data $ ./gradlew cleanPullLoad
Clean all, pull all, load data, all tests $ ./gradlew cleanPullTest
Clean all, pull all, load data, only component tests $ ./gradlew cleanPullCompTest

6. Build From Source

Moqui Framework uses Gradle for building from source. There are various custom tasks to automate frequent things, but most work is done with the built-in tasks from Gradle. There is also an Ant build file for a few common tasks, but not for building from source.

Get Component and Dependencies (for example: HiveMind) $ ./gradlew getComponent -Pcomponent=HiveMind
Build JAR, WAR $ ./gradlew build
Load All Data $ ./gradlew load $ ant load
Create WAR with embedded runtime $ ./gradlew addRuntime $ ant add-runtime
Clean up JARs, WAR $ ./gradlew clean
Clean up ALL built and runtime files (logs, dbs, etc) $ ./gradlew cleanAll

The examples above use the Gradle Wrapper (gradlew) included with Moqui. You can also install Gradle (2.0 or later) The load and run tasks depend on the build task, so the easiest to get a new development system running with a populated database is:

Linux/Mac Gradle Wrapper $ ./gradlew load run
Windows Gradle Wrapper > gradlew.bat load run
Installed Gradle $ gradle load run

This will build the war file, run the data loader, then run the server. To stop it just press <ctrl-c> (or your preferred alternative).

7. ElasticSearch Configuration and Install

External ElasticSearch

In production it is more common to have an external ElasticSearch cluster running separate from the Moqui server or cluster. This can also be used for local development where you start, stop, clear data, etc separate from Moqui or the Moqui Gradle tasks. This will work with any variation of ElasticSearch version 7.0.0 or later (OSS or not, with or without JDK, hosted by Elastic or AWS, etc). If you are installing ElasticSearch the recommended variation is the OSS with no JDK:

The configuration for ElasticSearch clusters is in the Moqui Conf XML file with a 'default' cluster in the MoquiDefaultConf.xml file that uses environment variables (or Java system properties) for easier configuration. See the section below for ElasticSearch and other environment variables available. Unless you are using an ElasticSearch install that requires HTTP Basic Authentication the only env var (property) you need to configure is elasticsearch_url which defaults to http://localhost:9200.

ElasticSearch Installed in Runtime

ElasticSearch may be installed in the runtime/elasticsearch directory and run by Moqui when it starts (through MoquiStart only) as well as started, stopped, and data cleaned through various Gradle tasks. In local development environments it is more common to run a local instance of ElasticSearch and clear the data in it along with the H2 database data. This can also be used for production environments where you do not need or want a separate ElasticSearch cluster.

Note that the current support for ElasticSearch installed in runtime/elasticsearch in MoquiStart and Gradle tasks is limited to Unix variants only (ie Linux, MacOS) and uses the OSS no-JDK build for Linux (with no JDK it also works on MacOS). This will not currently work on Windows machines, so if you're doing development on Windows you get to install and manage ElasticSearch separately, just make sure it's available at http://localhost:9200 (or configure elasticsearch_url to point elsewhere).

Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set so ElasticSearch knows where to find the Java JDK.

To install ElasticSearch in runtime/elasticsearch the easiest way is to use the Gradle task. This will download the OSS no-JDK Linux, Mac, or Windows build of ElasticSearch and expand the archive in runtime/elasticsearch.

$ ./gradlew downloadElasticSearch

In Gradle there are also startElasticSearch and stopElasticSearch tasks. Note that Gradle supports partial task names as long as they match a single task so you can use shorter task names like downloadel, startel, and stopel.

$ ./gradlew startel
$ ./gradlew stopel

These report a message when trying to start or stop, and do nothing if they don't find an ElasticSearch install (if the runtime/elasticsearch/bin directory does not exist) or they find that ES is already running or not running (is running if the runtime/elasticsearch/pid file exists). Because of this if you aren't sure of ElasticSearch is running or not you can run startel to make sure it's running or stopel to make sure it's not running.

The cleanDb, load, loadSave, reloadSave, and test tasks all respect the runtime/elasticsearch install. If ES is running (pid file exists) cleanDb will stop ES, delete the data directory, then start ES. Note that the test task automatically starts ES if the bin directory exists (detect ES install) and the pid file does not, but it does not currently stop ES after running all tests.

The MoquiStart class will try to start ElasticSearch installed in runtime/elasticsearch if it finds a 'bin' directory there. To disable this behavior use the no-run-es argument. To use this just run Moqui with:

$ java -jar moqui.war

This also works with along with the load argument, ie:

$ java -jar moqui.war load

This will start and stop ElasticSearch along with Moqui, running it in a forked process using Runtime.exec(). Note that the MoquiStart class is used when running the executable WAR with java -jar as in the examples above, and when running from the root directory of the expanded WAR file as the Procfile does, like:

java -cp . MoquiStart port=5000 conf=conf/MoquiProductionConf.xml

The MoquiStart class is NOT used when you drop the embedded WAR file in an external Servlet Container like Tomcat or Jetty. If you deploy Moqui that way you must use an external ElasticSearch server or cluster.

For a local development instance of Moqui a common development cycle is to clean then load data, run tests, reload data from saved archives and run tests, etc. To do a full test run make sure ElasticSearch is installed in runtime/elasticsearch and preferably is not already running, then do:

$ ./gradlew loadsave test stopel

After running that to reload the data saved just after the initial data load (including H2 and ElasticSearch data) and run a specific component's tests (like mantle-usl), just run:

$ ./gradlew reloadsave startel runtime:component:mantle-usl:test stopel

After running a build, load, etc through whatever approach you prefer just start Moqui and it starts and stops ElasticSearch:

$ java -jar moqui.war

Those are examples of common things to do in local development and can vary depending on your preferred process and Gradle tasks.

8. Database and Other Configuration

Environment Variables

Support for single database configuration was added for easier Docker, etc deployment and can be used in any environment. This is an alternative to adding database configuration in the runtime Moqui Conf XML file as described in the next section.

Each of these can be system environment variables (with underscores) or Java properties (with underscores or dots) using the -D command-line argument.

The JDBC driver for the desired database must be on the classpath. The jar file can be added to the runtime/lib directory (within the moqui-plus-runtime.war file if used) or on the command line. In Docker images the runtime/lib directory within the container can be mapped to a directory on the host for convenience (along with runtime/conf and many other directories).

Note that the 'mysql' database configuration also works with MariaDB and Percona.

Environment variables are a convenient way to configure the database when using pre-built WAR files with runtime included or Docker images.

Env Var or Property MySQL Example Description
entity_ds_db_conf mysql Database configuration from MoquiDefaultConf.xml or one you add
entity_ds_host localhost Host name of database server
entity_ds_port 3306 Port the database is running on
entity_ds_database moqui Name of the database on the server
entity_ds_schema Schema within the database to use (note: leave empty by default for MySQL)
entity_ds_user moqui Database user
entity_ds_password CHANGEME Password for database user
entity_ds_crypt_pass CHANGEME The key used for encrypted fields, should be protected just like a password
entity_add_missing_startup true Defaults to true for MySQL, set to 'false' to not add missing tables, columns, etc on startup

To configure the ElasticSearch client built into Moqui Framework use the following environment variables:

Env Var or Property Example Description
elasticsearch_url http://localhost:9200 The base URL for the ElasticSearch server
elasticsearch_user The user for HTTP Basic Authentication on the ES server
elasticsearch_password The password for HTTP Basic Authentication on the ES server

Another set of common environment variables to use is for URL writing, locale, time zone, etc:

Env Var or Property Example Description
instance_purpose production A purpose for the instance, 'production' has special meaning as do 'test' and 'dev'
webapp_http_host The hostname to use, defaults to host name or IP address used for the request
webapp_http_port 80 The port for building insecure URLs; this is for building URLs, it is not the port the Servlet Container is listening to (that is configured in the Servlet Container and may be different from this external port if a load balancer or reverse proxy is used)
webapp_https_port 443 The port for building secure URLs; this is for building URLs, it is not the port the Servlet Container is listening to (that is configured in the Servlet Container and may be different from this external port if a load balancer or reverse proxy is used)
webapp_https_enabled true Set to true to enable secure URLs. Defaults to false with all URLs generated for insecure port.
default_locale en_US The Java default Locale
default_time_zone US/Pacific The Java default TimeZone
database_time_zone US/Pacific The time zone to use in the database, defaults to default_time_zone
scheduled_job_check_time 60 How often (in seconds) to check for scheduled jobs to run, set to 0 to not run scheduled jobs

Moqui Conf XML File

Database (or datasource) setup is done in the Moqui Conf XML file with moqui-conf.entity-facade.datasource elements. There is one element for each entity group and the datasource.@group-name attribute matches against entity.@group-name attribute in entity definitions. By default in Moqui there are 4 entity groups: transactional, nontransactional, configuration, and analytical. If you only configure a datasource for the transactional group it will also be used for the other groups.

Here is the default configuration for the H2 database:

<datasource group-name="transactional" database-conf-name="h2" schema-name=""
        start-server-args="-tcpPort 9092 -ifExists -baseDir ${moqui.runtime}/db/h2">
    <!-- with this setup you can connect remotely using "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/MoquiDEFAULT" -->
    <inline-jdbc pool-minsize="5" pool-maxsize="50">
        <xa-properties url="jdbc:h2:${moqui.runtime}/db/h2/MoquiDEFAULT" user="sa" password="sa"/>

The database-conf-name attribute points to a database configuration and matches against a database-list.database.@name attribute to identify which. Database configurations specify things like SQL types to use, SQL syntax options, and JDBC driver details.

This example uses a xa-properties element to use the XA (transaction aware) interfaces in the JDBC driver. The attribute on the element are specific to each JDBC driver. Some examples for reference are included in the MoquiDefaultConf.xml file, but for a full list of options look at the documentation for the JDBC driver.

The JDBC driver must be in the Java classpath. The easiest way get it there, regardless of deployment approach, is to put it in the runtime/lib directory.

Here is an example of a XA configuration for MySQL:

<datasource group-name="transactional" database-conf-name="mysql" schema-name="">
    <inline-jdbc pool-minsize="5" pool-maxsize="50">
        <xa-properties user="moqui" password="CHANGEME" pinGlobalTxToPhysicalConnection="true"
                serverName="" port="3306" databaseName="moqui" autoReconnectForPools="true"
                useUnicode="true" encoding="UTF-8"/>

To use something like this put the datasource element under the entity-facade element in the runtime Moqui Conf XML file (like the MoquiProductionConf.xml file).

For more examples and details about recommended configuration for different databases see the comments in the MoquiDefaultConf.xml file:

9. Production Recommendations

Docker and Docker Compose

The default Dockerfile and a script to build a Docker image based on the moqui-plus-runtime.war file are in the moqui/docker/simple directory which you can see on GitHub here:

For example after adding all components, JDBC drivers, and anything else you want in your runtime directory do something like:

$ gradle addRuntime Build then create the moqui-plus-runtime.war file
$ cd docker/simple
$ ./ ../.. mygroup/myrepo Build Docker image using Dockerfile, tagged latest by default
$ docker tag mygroup/myrepo:latest mygroup/myrepo:1.0.0 Add a tag for the version of the image
$ docker login -u <username> -p <password> Login to Docker Hub (or other image repo) if not already logged in
$ docker push mygroup/myrepo Push to Docker Hub (or elsewhere)

On the server where the image will run make sure Docker (docker-ce) and Docker Compose (docker-compose) are installed and then pull the image created above. There are various Docker Compose examples in the moqui/docker directory:

You'll need to create a custom compose YAML file based on one of these. This is where you put database, host, and other settings and is where you specify the image to use (like mygroup/myrepo above). To pull your image and start it up along with other Docker images for other needed applications (nginx, mysql or postgres, etc) do something like:

$ docker login -u <username> -p <password> Login to Docker Hub (or other image repo) if not already logged in
$ docker pull mygroup/myrepo Pull image from Docker Hub (or elsewhere)
$ ./ my-compose.yml Bring up containers as defined in the Docker Compose YAML file

There is also a script to bring down an instance. For updates after running docker pull you can run without running first and Docker Compose will simply update the containers with new images versions.

You may want to modify the script and others to fit your specific deployment, including configuration and other Moqui runtime files you want to live on the Docker host instead of in a container (to survive updates, use configuration, etc). Generally when setting up a new Docker server it is recommended to create a private git repository to use as a shell for your Docker deployment. This would contain your compose up/down scripts, your compose YML file(s), and a runtime directory with any additional configuration files, components, JDBC jars, etc.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk and RDS

The recommended approach for deployment with AWS ElasticBeanstalk is to use a 'Java SE' environment. A Tomcat environment can be used by simply uploading a moqui-plus-runtime.war file but there are issues with this approach in that it is less flexible, Tomcat settings need to be adjusted for capacity, various changes are needed to support websocket, and so on. Using a Java SE environment with the embedded Jetty web server generally runs better and has various defaults already in place that are recommended for Moqui, plus full control of the command line to start the server to adjust servlet threads, port, Moqui XML Conf file to use, etc.

In a AWS EB Java SE environment you'll have a nginx proxy already in place that by default expects the application to be running on port 5000. The Java SE environment is used by uploading an application archive containing files for the application(s) and to tell the Java SE environment what to do. Since Moqui Framework 2.1.1 there is a Procfile included that will be added to the moqui-plus-runtime.war file. By default it contains:

web: java -cp . MoquiStart port=5000 conf=conf/MoquiProductionConf.xml run-es

Note that it does not contain memory options so that they may be set with the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable. For example set it to "-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m" for a 1024 MB Java heap. The heap size on a dedicated instance should be about 1/2 the total system memory (leaving room for off-heap Java memory usage and operating system memory usage).

The 'run-es' argument tells the MoquiStart class to run ElasticSearch if installed in runtime/elasticsearch. To install the Linux, Mac, or Windows no-JDK version of ElasticSearch download and expand the archive manually in runtime/elasticsearch or use the Gradle download task:

$ ./gradlew downloadElasticSearch

The archive to deploy is basically just the moqui-plus-runtime.war file. The WAR file must be renamed from .war to .zip so that the AWS Java SE environment treats it like a plain archive and not an executable jar. To build a file to upload to AWS ElasticBeanstalk do something like:

$ gradle addRuntime Build then create the moqui-plus-runtime.war file
$ mv moqui-plus-runtime.war ../ Rename the WAR file and move to parent directory to keep separate

Then upload the ZIP file in the Elastic Beanstalk section of the AWS Console when you create your Java SE environment.

You'll also need to set various environment variables in your Elastic Beanstalk settings (under Configuration => Software Configuration) for database, host, and other settings. See the Environment Variables section above for a list of which to set.

Typically these settings will include host and other database information for a RDS instance running MySQL, Postgres, or other. Make sure the VPC Security Group for the RDS instance (automatically created when you create the DB instance) has an inbound rule with a VPC Security Group that your Elastic Beanstalk configuration is in (specified in Configuration => Instance). This is done in the VPC section of the AWS Console under Security Groups.

The smallest recommended servers to use are t2.small for the EC2 instance and t2.micro for the RDS instance for a total cost generally under $40/mo depending whether a reserved instance is used, how much disk space is used, etc. Note that for larger EC2 instances make sure to adjust the Procfile so that the maximum heap size is higher, usually roughly half of total memory for the instance if there is nothing else running on it.

10. Project Directory Structure

- moqui (from
  - framework
    - build          : Results of framework build go here (classes, jars, etc)
    - data           : Seed data
    - entity         : Framework entity definitions
    - lib            : Libraries (JAR files) used in Moqui
    - screen         : Framework screens
    - service        : Framework services
    - src            : Java API, standard entities, services, data, XSDs, etc
      - api          : Java source for the Moqui Framework API
      - main         : Main implement source
        - groovy     : Groovy source (bulk of the implementation)
        - java       : Java source (a few special classes)
        - resources  : Classpath resources, placed in JAR as-is
        - webapp     : Base webapp, mostly just a WEB-INF/web.xml file
      - start        : Java source for MoquiStart, used for executable WAR
    - template       : Framework templates (screen/form, xml-actions FTLs)
    - xsd            : Framework XML Schema files
  - runtime
    - base-component : Base/framework components to deploy
      - tools        : System administration and maintenance tools
      - webroot      : Root Screen and supporting content
    - classes        : Resources to add to the runtime classpath
    - component      : Application/etc components to deploy
    - conf           : Configuration files separated by dev, staging, prod, etc
    - db             : Database files for H2, Derby, OrientDB, etc will go here
    - elasticsearch  : Optional ElasticSearch install directory
    - lib            : JAR files to add to the runtime classpath
    - log            : Log files will go here
    - template       : General Templates
    - tmp            : Temporary files
    - txlog          : Transaction log files will go here (Atomikos or Bitronix files)

The main place to put your components is in the runtime/component directory. When you use the Gradle get component tasks this is where they will go.

Components with declared dependencies (in a component.xml file in the component directory) will be loaded after the component(s) they depend on.